Balancing a full-time job, a professional hockey career, and courses was not easy, but I always persevered, fueled by my passion to learn.
Mallory Souliotis
Senior Associate Scientist, EMD Serono
Professional Hockey Player, Connecticut Whale
M.Eng in Bioengineering
After graduating from Yale in 2018, I always knew I would find myself going back to school, whether online or in-person. While working full-time at a pharmaceutical company outside Boston, I also had the opportunity to continue playing the sport I have come to love, ice hockey. Playing professional ice hockey and working full-time proved to be quite a commitment but I was able to balance it all since I loved my job and I still loved hockey. However, the desire to learn slowly crept back and I found myself exploring various options. I came across Maryland's online engineering program and I knew it would be a great fit, offering flexible hours and part-time enrollment, allowing me to continue to pursue my other two passions. Balancing a full-time job, a professional hockey career, and courses was not easy, but I always persevered, fueled by my passion to learn.
Why Maryland?
I originally chose Maryland due to the flexibility offered in the courses, since I knew I had a busy and ever-changing schedule due to hockey (games, travel, practices, etc.). The flexibility would allow me to find success in the classroom on top of my other commitments. Why someone else should choose Maryland? The professors. As I enroll in my final course, the one common link between every course has been the professors. Their knowledge, expertise, support, kindness, and willingness to do everything possible to help students succeed. In an online course it is not always easy to interact with professors, ask questions, get clarification, etc. but that was not the case at Maryland. Every professor was extremely communicative and flexible, respectful of student's outside commitments, and their knowledge and ability to share their expertise with others was astounding.