I intend to gain more professional experience and embrace positions with more responsibility in the industry, so that I can impact the younger generation.
Kevin Mukam
Cyber Security Analyst at Deloitte
M.Eng in Cybersecurity
I'm a Cybersecurity professional with academic and professional experience. I am on the verge of completing my Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at UMD, while at the same time being a Cybersecurity Analyst at Deloitte. I studied Cybersecurity because nowadays, every individual and company needs to develop a security mindset. With everything online, private data is exposed, healthcare, financial, corporate data etc. are all exposed and it can be fatal to individuals/companies if that data is not protected. I believe we must do our due diligence and due care to prevent attackers from reaching their objectives.
I grew up in Cameroon, where I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. There, I learned the technical skills to become an Engineer, but I also learned to be disciplined, I learned leadership skills, I learned how to do complex work with limited resources such as no internet or outdated computers. Thanks to that experience, I am a more accomplished professional today.
After my Master's Degree journey, I intend to gain more professional experience and embrace positions with more responsibility in the industry, so that I can impact the younger generation.
Why Maryland?
I chose UMD because it has one of the best Cybersecurity programs in the country. The courses are very technical and hands-on. We work on real servers, we perform simulated attacks which are close to real-life situations, we are given tough projects to work on during the semester that enable us to be ready for what we will face at work.