Of the 10 courses that I took to complete my degree, all 10 met if not exceeded my expectations for the degree
Falgun Patel
M.Eng in Cybersecurity
Having a degree in Computer Science, I wanted to specialize in Security so I chose to go after a Security oriented degree. I was able to learn so much in these 2 years. I was able to go from just a Computer Science student with an interest in Cyber Security to a 2 times Graduate Teaching Assistant, an IT Security Intern in Silicon Valley, and a certified Penetration Tester. I am looking for a job in the Security domain right now and I hope to spread the importance of Security across all industries.
Why Maryland?
Choosing Maryland was not a straightforward decision as I had admitted from other Cyber Security programs but the factors that turned me towards Maryland were the M.E curriculum, Maryland's rich history in tech with a combination of one of the best faculty set I have ever studied under. Of the 10 courses that I took to complete my degree, all 10 met if not exceeded my expectations for the degree and I am proud to have chosen Maryland for grad school.