Testudo posing with Dan Page
For me, the education I've received at Maryland has led me exactly where I wanted to go.
Daniel Page
Full-Time Student
M.Eng Student in Civil Engineering
I came to Maryland in the fall of 2013 as an undergraduate student, and I'm so happy that I did. I had so many rewarding experiences as an undergrad in the Clark School, including multiple internships, two summers spent studying abroad, two years in the Clark School's Ambassador program, teaching assistantships, and enrollment in a combined Bachelor's/Master's program. Outside the classroom, I was a Maryland Images Campus Tour Guide, a member of the Maryland Wind Ensemble, a Resident Assistant, and a devoted Maryland basketball enthusiast (and that, of course, is still true today).
Why Maryland?

Maryland has a student culture like no other, and my undergraduate experience as a member of this great campus community made my decision to enter the M. Eng program among the easiest I've ever made. At the graduate level, I've found a strong sense of community I had as an undergrad, and I've gotten so much more out of my education. The CEE faculty at Maryland are truly remarkable, and I couldn't imagine spending 5 years in the classroom with any other group of world-renowned researchers and engineers. Maryland opens its students to academic and professional opportunities that consistently go above and beyond my expectations, and the PMCE program is just one example of such an opportunity. When you talk to Maryland students, you realize that we all love this school. What's enlightening, though, is how many unique responses you get when you ask, "why?". For me, the education I've received at Maryland has led me exactly where I wanted to go, and I'm grateful for all of the experiences that have come my way in the process. 
