Photo of Henry Canova
In my career I will work to contribute to meeting net zero energy consumption by 2050.

Henry Canova

General Engineer at NIH

M.Eng. in Energy Systems Engineering


I have experience working as a mechanical engineer as a consultant. I have a Maryland Engineer in Training Certificate. I am working to obtain a Maryland Professional engineering license in HVAC&R. In my career I will work to contribute to meeting net zero energy consumption by 2050. I am interested in looking at the embodied carbon through the building construction process. I worked for Professor Ohadi in the Smart and Small Thermal Systems Laboratory.


Why Maryland?

Working in the private sector I got a chance to work with Maryland alumni. I chose the Maryland graduate degree because I wanted to gain knowledge in energy auditing working in the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering. I wanted to earn a public master's degree in mechanical engineering at an institute closer to my hometown in Maryland.
