To accept your graduate student engineering fellowship/scholarship, you need to complete the 2016-2017 Fellowship Scholarship Acceptance Form. You will be asked to provide short answers to several items and upload your picture, your thank you letter and your publications for your donor. Your thank you letter, bio and picture will be sent to your donor so they should be of a professional nature and should represent you at your best.

Before You Begin the Online Graduate Fellowship/Scholarship Acceptance Form

  1. Prepare your thank you letter to your donor. For assistance in writing your thank you letter, see Sample Donor Thank You Letter (pdf)  If your graduate fellowship/scholarship has more than one donor, you only upload one copy of the letter (not a copy for each donor). You should make a note on the letter you upload with the names of all the donors you thanked (Example: cc: Mr. Joe Terp, Ms. Gina Diamondback). Please include a digital version of your signature in your letter.
  2. Prepare your bio, which are responses to the several short statements below. Write professionally using good grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Project(s)/Research I am working on (use simplified language/suitable for nontechnical audience, include why you are interested in your field)
  • Honors and awards I have received at Maryland/Other Institution
  • List Publications and Conference Presentations
  • Career Goals
  • Prepare your digital photo (.jpg or .png). The photo can show you in business attire or business casual. It should be a photo just of you and not a picture of you in a group. The photo will be provided to your donor along with your bio. An image size of approximately 200 x 300 pixels is suggested. If you don't have access to a digital camera, please contact or call 301-405-8074. 

Please note that once you begin the graduate fellowship/scholarship acceptance form, you must complete it. You will not be able to partially complete the acceptance form, save it and return to it later.

