Our mission is to provide our students with the most accurate and timely information as it pertains to their academic success. We are always happy to meet with our students and encourage them to make an appointment to speak with an advisor at least once per semester.
If you need to come by our office, click here for our address and directions. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30am. – 5:00pm.

Contact Your Primary Academic Advisor regarding any course registration, course selection, course permissions, course substitution/approval, 10-course curriculum planning needs, academic probation/difficulties, course issues, and F1 Student Travel Letter Requests.
Stephanie Elcock
Senior Academic Advisor
Phone: 301-314-2196
Email: mage-advising@umd.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Stephanie
In addition to discussing course and curriculum needs with your senior academic advisor, our office is here to support you throughout your graduate studies. As such, for other needs, please contact one of our other MAGE Academic Affairs staff members listed below:

Contact the Coordinator for Academic Affairs regarding any proctoring, MAGE employment opportunities, official letter requests, new student transition questions, graduation process, MAGE events, or general graduate studies needs. Alumni who are in need of assistance should also contact the Coordinator.
Canitria Cook
Coordinator for Academic Affairs
Phone: 301-405-0336
Email: mage-advising@umd.edu
Schedule an Appointment with Canitria

Contact Sonja regarding any escalating faculty issues.