Position Requirements:
- Must be a current M.Eng., M.S., or Ph.D. UMD student actively enrolled in courses (i.e. incoming students who have not yet started their studies are not eligible)
- TAs must be a full-time student for the semester the work is performed as per the Graduate School's requirements.
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This means that you MUST be enrolled in at least two 3-credit 600+ level courses during the entire semester you're TAing to have enough units put together with the TAship to be considered full-time and to receive tuition assistance. If you will only have one 3 credit course, you can NOT be considered for a TA position. There are no exceptions to this policy even if you are an F1 student in your last semester of study. See full policies on these sites:
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This means that you MUST be enrolled in at least two 3-credit 600+ level courses during the entire semester you're TAing to have enough units put together with the TAship to be considered full-time and to receive tuition assistance. If you will only have one 3 credit course, you can NOT be considered for a TA position. There are no exceptions to this policy even if you are an F1 student in your last semester of study. See full policies on these sites:
- Must be in good academic standing (i.e. have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher).
- Must NOT have an XF at any point, even mid-semester, or ungraded work due to judicial review (NG, J)
- Must NOT have any failing grades (i.e. D+, D, D-, F) on your graduate study transcript (unless you have retaken the course and passed AND have 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA)
- Must NOT be enrolled in the course you are applying to support in that semester
- Must NOT need to take the course you are applying to support in the future towards your own degree requirements
- Must be able to work up to 20 hours per week (i.e. can not hold another position unless the total hours equate to less than 20)
- The current Graduate School and MEI policy is that International Teaching Assistants (ITA) can be exempted from spoken English support through one of the following:
- Achieving a speaking sub-score of 24 on the iBT TOEFL, 7.5 on IELTS, or 76 on PTE in their admission English proficiency exam.
- Being exempt from submitting English proficiency exams for admission, based on Graduate School Guidelines (refer to the section 'Exempt from Submitting TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Scores').
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you do NOT currently meet the requirement, but would like to try to meet this requirement in order to become eligible to apply for future TA positions, you can do so by retaking the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE exam and reaching the required speaking score. Do NOT apply for a position before you meet the requirement, as you will not be able to be considered.
Additional Semester-Specific Requirements:
About the Position:
Duties Include:
- Perform a wide variety of course support duties like:
- Teaching
- Holding Office Hours and/or Review Sessions
- Responding to Canvas Discussions and/or Student Emails
- Managing the Canvas page
- Grading Materials
- Other Course Support Duties as Assigned
Please see further information on job duties here.
TA Salary:
- The salary Step level will be determined based on the TAs academic status at the point of the contract creation.
- In general, the minimum salary for TAing for one ENPM course would be $12,000.
- 20 Hours Per Week, On Average
Please see further information on TA salaries here.
TA Benefits:
- Up to 10 credits of tuition assistance at the in-state tuition level.
- Please note that fees and differential tuition are not covered by the assistance and will remain the responsibility of the student.
- Please see further information on assistance here.
- More information on the Maryland State Employee Health Insurance Plan for Teaching Assistants here.
Spring 2025 Specific Date Requirements
Please note these important dates and policies ahead of time for Spring position eligibility (in addition to the general requirements listed above).
For Spring 2025 positions, you MUST:
- Arrive in College Park, Maryland by Thursday, January 23, 2025.
- All TAs on an F1 visa must be able to provide an I-94/visa with a stamp that verifies an arrival in the USA by 1/23/25 or prior in order to continue with the position.
- There are NO exceptions to this arrival date. Course Lecturers can NOT approve late arrival.
- Attend a mandatory in-person TA Orientation on Friday, January 24, 2024.
- Not hold any other University employment positions from 1/12/25 to 6/14/25. TA Applicants can not have any other appointments and be paid for any time worked with the University from 1/12/25 onward as the TA appointment begins prior to the semester start.
- Not have any travel between 1/27/25 through 5/21/25 unless it has been reviewed and approved by MAGE.
Spring 2025 Application
After applying, the review process will proceed on a rolling basis through the Schedule Adjustment period of the semester. MAGE is not able to provide updates on individual applications or positions available. We recommend that students continue to seek out other employment opportunities as part of their overall position search, as MAGE positions are very competitive and not guaranteed.
Important Note: If it is determined at any point in the application or hiring process that an applicant has misrepresented meeting or is unwilling to meet the General TA Eligibility Requirements and Semester-Specific Eligibility Requirements, they will no longer be considered for or appointed into the TA position for that semester (i.e. their employment offer or appointed will be rescinded) OR for any future semester with MAGE.